Top 15 Foods Highest in Minerals

Top 15 Foods Highest in Minerals

From calcium to zinc, iron to potassium, minerals perform many important functions in the body, including keeping your bones strong. The body cannot manufacture minerals, so essential minerals must be obtained through diet or supplementation.

We looked through our food lists for 8 different minerals: calcium, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, and zinc.

There are 11 essential minerals in total (1), but we did not include 3 of these: iodine, sodium, and chloride. The iodine content of foods is too dependent on soil quality. Most people should be focusing on reducing their sodium, and chloride (usually with iodine) is found with sodium in table salt.

The top 15 foods highest in minerals include nuts, beans and lentils, dark leafy greens, fish, seeds, shellfish, mushrooms, whole grains, low-fat dairy, beef and lamb, avocados, tofu, dark chocolate, cheese, and dried fruits.

For more, check the extended list of mineral rich foods, and the most nutritious foods lists.

List of High Mineral Foods

More Mineral Rich Foods

In addition to those in the top 15, here are more high mineral foods which appeared on the most nutritious foods lists.
Lean PorkHigh in phosphorus, selenium, and zinc
BananasHigh in potassium and magnesium
BroccoliHigh in calcium
Chicken and TurkeyHigh in selenium
LiverHigh in iron
SquashHigh in potassium
Chinese Cabbage (Bok Choy)High in calcium
OkraHigh in calcium
Green Snap BeansHigh in calcium
TempehHigh in calcium
Baked PotatoesHigh in potassium

Data Sources and References

  1. National Library of Medicine - Biochemistry, Nutrients. Alyssa L. Morris; Shamim S. Mohiuddin.

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