Top 15 Foods Highest in Vitamins

Photo of Daisy Whitbread Written by Daisy Whitbread
BSc (Hons) MSc DipION
Photo of Dr. Patricia Shelton Medically Reviewed by
Dr. Patricia Shelton
Evidence Based. References sourced from PubMed.
Top 15 Foods Highest in Vitamins

Vitamins are organic molecules that are needed for proper body function. They can’t be synthesized by the human body, so they must be consumed to prevent symptoms of deficiency.

Some vitamins can be stored in the body for later use, while others are not stored and must be consumed on a daily basis. (1,2)

Want to know which foods are the best sources of vitamins? We looked at all our top 10 lists for 14 different vitamins, including: Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, K, Beta Carotene, and Lycopene and counted how many times each food appeared.

Some vitamins are fat-soluble, which means that they must be consumed along with fat in order to be absorbed. These include vitamins A, D, E, and K. (3) For these vitamins, meats, oils, and dairy tend to be a better source than leafy vegetables or fruits, because they contain the fat necessary for absorption of the vitamin.

The top 15 foods highest in vitamins include fish, dark leafy greens, seeds, broccoli, pork, beef, lamb, mushrooms, nuts, eggs, sweet bell peppers, avocados, peas, winter squash, and fruits.

Want to know more? Check the extended list of vitamin rich foods, or the complete collection of the most nutritious foods lists.

More Vitamin Rich Foods

In addition to those in the top 15, here are some more high vitamin foods which appeared on the most nutritious foods lists.
AsparagusHigh in Vitamins B1, B9, K, and Lycopene
LiverHigh in Vitamins A, B3, and B12
CarrotsHigh in Vitamin A, Beta Carotene, and Lycopene
CheeseHigh in Vitamins B2, B5, and B12
ShellfishHigh in Vitamins B2, B12, and E
Sweet PotatoesHigh in Vitamins A, B5, and Beta Carotene
BeansHigh in Vitamins B1, and B9
Wholewheat BreadHigh in Vitamins B1, and B9
CantaloupeHigh in Vitamins A, and Beta Carotene
GuavasHigh in Vitamin C, and Lycopene
KiwifruitHigh in Vitamins C, and E
Plant Oils (Olive Oil)High in Vitamins E and K
TomatoesHigh in Vitamin C, and Lycopene
Fortified TofuHigh in Vitamins B12 and D
CerealsHigh in Vitamins B12 and D
BananasHigh in Vitamin B6
Berries (Strawberries)High in Vitamin C
Citrus FruitsHigh in Vitamin C
Dry Roasted SoybeansHigh in Vitamin B1
PeanutsHigh in Vitamin B3
LentilsHigh in Vitamin B9

Data Sources and References

  1. National Library of Medicine - Biochemistry, Fat Soluble Vitamins. Priya Reddy; Ishwarlal Jialal.
  2. National Library of Medicine - Biochemistry, Water Soluble Vitamins. Jacqueline Lykstad; Sandeep Sharma.
  3. Siener R, Machaka I, Alteheld B, Bitterlich N, Metzner C. Fat-soluble Vitamin Deficiencies and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Nutrients. 2020 Oct 12;12(10):3110. doi: 10.3390/nu12103110. 33053816
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