The 10 Best Low Calorie Foods for Weight Loss

Powered by USDA Nutrition Data.
The 10 Best Low Calorie Foods for Weight Loss

For those looking to lose weight, including low-calorie foods in your diet is an essential step. This article provides you with a list of healthy, low-calorie foods to incorporate.

Low-calorie foods include water, tea, salad greens, soup broth, mushrooms, strawberries, vegetable soup, whole grain toast, cod, eggs, and low-fat cottage cheese.

Below are 10 healthy low-calorie foods, for more see the full ranking of all foods low in calories.

List of Low Calorie Foods

Printable One Page Sheet

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A printable list of low-calorie foods including water, tea, salad greens, broth, mushrooms, strawberries, vegetable soup, whole grain toast, cod, eggs, and low-fat cottage cheese.

Use the ranking tool links below to select foods and create your own food list to share or print.

View more nutrients with the nutrient ranking tool, or see ratios with the nutrient ratio tool.

Data Sources and References

  1. U.S. Agricultural Research Service Food Data Central

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