Top 10 Nuts and Seeds Highest in Zinc

Zinc is an essential mineral with roles in immune function, protein synthesis, wound healing, DNA synthesis, and cell division. (1,2)
The current daily value (DV) for zinc is 11mg. (3) This is a target intended for the general population, but some people may have different needs for zinc based on their age, gender, diet, or medical factors.
Zinc may be of particular interest to vegans and vegetarians. Compounds present in many plant foods, such as phytates, limit the absorption of zinc from these foods. (4) To compensate for this, people on a plant based diet should aim to eat about 50% more zinc than those in the general population. (5)
Nuts and seeds high in zinc include squash seeds, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, pecans, chia seeds, flax seeds, Brazil nuts, and almonds.
Below is a list of the top 10 nuts high in zinc, ranked by a 1 ounce (oz) handful. For more see the article for vegan and vegetarian sources of zinc, high zinc vegetables, and high zinc fruits.
List of Nuts High in Zinc
1. Squash and Pumpkin Seeds + Add
per 1 Oz HandfulZinc
per 100gZinc
per 200 Calories3mg
(27% DV)10mg
(94% DV)5mg
(42% DV) -
2. Hemp Seeds + Add
per OzZinc
per 100gZinc
per 200 Calories3mg
(26% DV)10mg
(90% DV)4mg
(33% DV)Not sure how to eat hemp seeds? Sprinkle them on top of oatmeal, cereal, and salads. You can also mix them into yogurt or smoothies.
3. Pine Nuts + Add
per OzZinc
per 100gZinc
per 200 Calories2mg
(17% DV)6mg
(59% DV)2mg
(17% DV) -
4. Cashews (Dry Roasted) + Add
per 1 Oz HandfulZinc
per 100gZinc
per 200 Calories2mg
(14% DV)6mg
(51% DV)2mg
(18% DV) -
5. Sunflower Seeds + Add
per 1oz HandfulZinc
per 100gZinc
per 200 Calories2mg
(14% DV)5mg
(48% DV)2mg
(17% DV) -
6. Pecans (Dry-Roasted) + Add
per OzZinc
per 100gZinc
per 200 Calories1mg
(13% DV)5mg
(46% DV)1mg
(13% DV) -
7. Chia Seeds + Add
per oz(~2 Tblsp)Zinc
per 100gZinc
per 200 Calories1mg
(12% DV)5mg
(42% DV)2mg
(17% DV) -
8. Flax Seeds + Add
per OzZinc
per 100gZinc
per 200 Calories1mg
(11% DV)4mg
(39% DV)2mg
(15% DV) -
9. Brazil Nuts + Add
per 1oz HandfulZinc
per 100gZinc
per 200 Calories1mg
(10% DV)4mg
(37% DV)1mg
(11% DV) -
10. Almonds + Add
per 1oz HandfulZinc
per 100gZinc
per 200 Calories1mg
(9% DV)3mg
(30% DV)1mg
(10% DV)
Printable One Page Sheet

From the Nutrient Ranking Tool
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- Foods High in Zinc
- Foods Low in Zinc
- Vegetables High in Zinc
- Fruits High in Zinc
- Vegetarian Foods High in Zinc
- Nuts High in Zinc
- Grains High in Zinc
- Beans High in Zinc
- Dairy High in Zinc
- Breakfast Cereals High in Zinc
- Fast Foods High in Zinc
View more nutrients with the nutrient ranking tool, or see ratios with the nutrient ratio tool.
Data Sources and References
- Haase H, Rink L. Zinc and the immune system Metallomics. 2014 Jul;6(7):1175-80. doi: 10.1039/c3mt00353a. 24531756
- Rasouli M, Rahimi A, Soleimani M, Keshel SH. Zinc in Wound Healing Modulation Acta Histochem. 2021 Oct;123(7):151785. doi: 10.1016/j.acthis.2021.151785. Epub 2021 Sep 6. 34500185
- U.S.FDA - Daily Value on the New Nutrition and Supplement Facts Labels
- Gibson RS, Raboy V, King JC. Dietary factors influencing zinc absorption Nutr Rev. 2018 Nov 1;76(11):793-804. doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuy028. 30010865
- Agnoli C, Baroni L, Bertini I, Ciappellano S, Fabbri A, Papa M, Pellegrini N, Sbarbati R, Scarino ML, Siani V, Sieri S. Zinc and vegetarian diets Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2017 Dec;27(12):1037-1052. doi: 10.1016/j.numecd.2017.10.020. Epub 2017 Oct 31. 29174030
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