12 Delicious Foods to Support Skin Health

12 Delicious Foods to Support Skin Health

The skin is the largest organ of the body and serves to protect our body, regulate temperature, and manufacture vitamin D.

The health of your skin depends on the nutrients it receives. Feeding your skin from the inside is much more beneficial than any cream or beauty treatment you can buy.

Foods that promote skin health include oily fish, pomegranates, avocados, orange vegetables, turmeric, berries, nuts, fermented foods, chocolate, watermelon, spirulina, and seeds. Making these foods a regular part of your diet will give your skin an extra boost of nutrients and keep it healthy.

12 Foods to Support Healthy Skin

More Tips for Maintaining Healthy Skin

  • Exercise increases circulation - Improving blood flow and nutrient delivery to the skin. The health of your skin is completely dependent on the nutrients it receives this way. (28)
  • Reduce stress and get a good night's sleep - Stress increases collagen breakdown in the body and sleep is when your skin regenerates and repairs itself. Women who sleep less than 5 hours have more fine lines, poorer skin elasticity, and skin that takes longer to recover from environmental stressors. (29)
  • Limit sun exposure - A tan may give you a healthy glow in the short-term, but UV rays break down collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin and cause premature aging in the long run. (30)
  • Avoid refined sugars - Eating refined sugar can lead to skin damage. When your blood sugar spikes, the extra sugar reacts with body tissues, including collagen and elastin, it leads to the formation of aptly named AGEs (advanced glycation end-products). These cause cells to become stiff, losing their elasticity and becoming more prone to damage and premature aging. (31)

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