is created by Paul House who holds a degree in statistics from North Carolina State Universty and worked in public health before founding
The curated food lists were written by Daisy Whitbread who holds a masters degree in nutrition from King's College London.
Namimbia Torres serves as an advisor to the project and holds a masters degree in nutrition science and policy from Tufts University.
As part of our editorial process, articles are medically reviewed by doctors.
For more information, please see the about page.
DVs, established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), are used on food and dietary supplement labels. For each nutrient, there is one DV for all people ages 4 years and older. Therefore, DVs aren't recommended intakes, but suggest how much of a nutrient a serving of the food or supplement provides in the context of a total daily diet. DVs often match or exceed the RDAs for most people, but not in all cases.
DVs are presented on food and supplement labels as a percentage. They help you compare one product with another. As an example, the %DV for calcium on a food label might say 20%. This means it has 200 mg (milligrams) of calcium in one serving because the DV for calcium is 1,000 mg/day. If another food has 40% of the DV for calcium, it's easy to see that it provides much more calcium than the first food.
For more information see our guide to Daily Intakes and Daily Values.
Missing data has not been collected by the USDA, or reported by food manufacturers. When data is missing from the source, we cannot report it.
No data set is perfect and missing data is a common problem when analyzing data.
Missing data does not mean the value is equal to 0. The value is unknown, and may in fact be very high in value.
Please find similar foods that may have the data and give some clue as to what the actual value may be.
You can search for similar foods using the nutrition facts search tool. Or you can also find foods high or low in a particular nutrient using the nutrient ranking tool.
The weight of a food, for example, cooked broccoli, is given as the weight after the food has been cooked. See this example of cooked vs raw broccoli.
The 4,4,9 rule is a general rule of thumb, however, it does not apply to all foods. Certain foods have different factors for their carbohydrates, protein, and fat.
For example, the 4,4,9 rule does not apply to foods that are high in fiber, sugar alcohols, or other non-digestible carbohydrates.
Per the documentation from the USDA:
"Food Energy. Food energy is expressed in kilocalories (kcal) and kilojoules (kJ). One kcal equals 4.184 kJ. The data represent physiologically available energy, which is the energy value remaining after digestive and urinary losses are deducted from gross energy. Energy values, with the exception of multi-ingredient processed foods, are based on the Atwater system for determining energy values. Derivation of the Atwater calorie factors is discussed in “Agriculture Handbook 74” (Merrill and Watt, 1973). For multi-ingredient processed foods (source codes 8 or 9; for more information on source codes, see p. 34) kilocalorie values generally reflect industry practices (as permitted by NLEA) of calculating kilocalories as 4, 4, or 9 kilocalories per gram of protein, carbohydrate, and fat, respectively, or as 4, 4, or 9 kilocalories per gram of protein, carbohydrate minus insoluble fiber, and fat. The latter method is often used for high fiber foods."