Dr. Patricia Shelton, MD, is a full-time medical communicator and educator. She holds a Doctor of Medicine degree as well as a Bachelor's degree in Neuroscience, both from the renowned University of Washington in Seattle. Dr. Shelton is dedicated to empowering people with the information they need to improve their health and well-being. In addition to her work as a medical writer and reviewer, Dr. Shelton also teaches anatomy and physiology at the college level, and is the author of The Yoga Doctor.
Data for the curated food lists comes from the USDA Food Data Central Repository.
You can see the complete nutrition facts for any food by clicking the link at the bottom of each listing. You can also verify our data against the USDA by clicking the (Source) link at the bottom of each food listing.
When curating the list, we select foods that are commonly eaten and in typical serving sizes. We recognize that foods and portions vary globally, and you can use our nutrient ranking tool to choose your own foods to print or compare.
Nutrition and health claims on MyFoodData include a link to the relevant study listed on PubMed, a high-quality source of studies maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Studies are cited with numbers in the following format: (1). Click the number of any reference in parentheses to view the relevant study.
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