Healthy Foods To Reduce Cravings (That Taste Good, Too)

Healthy Foods To Reduce Cravings (That Taste Good, Too)

A food craving is an intense desire for a specific food. It can feel uncontrollable and tends to be for unhealthy foods, high in sugar, salt, fat, or a combination of these. For anyone trying to manage their weight or simply stay healthy, food cravings can sabotage the best of intentions.

Food cravings have various causes including being overly hungry, tired, or sleep deprived. Low blood sugar levels, dehydration, hormones, stress, and other emotional factors also affect us. The good news is that there are various ways we can manage our diet and lifestyle to minimize cravings.

The basis for reducing cravings should always be a balanced diet, providing all the essential food groups and nutrients our bodies need for good health.

Keeping blood sugar levels balanced is also key to reducing cravings. When our blood sugar levels become too low, we can experience a range of symptoms including cravings for sugary foods, low energy, poor concentration, and irritability. Many of the foods listed here, therefore help with blood sugar regulation, while others help keep us feeling full and satisfied. In the further tips section below, you can find advice for managing the non-dietary reasons mentioned, such as sleep and stress.

Foods to Reduce Cravings

Tips for Reducing Cravings

  • Regular eating - One of the most guaranteed ways to get cravings is being overly hungry. Regular eating is therefore key to preventing cravings. Ideally, we should be eating something every 4-5 hours. This means breakfast, lunch, and dinner are appropriately spaced out, plus 1 or 2 healthy snacks.
  • Avoid ultra-processed foods - Widely available, ultra-processed foods can contribute to food cravings and obesity (18,19,20,21). This is in part due to their high content of unhealthy fats, sugar, and/or salt, making them highly palatable and setting up a desire to consume more and more. Avoiding or minimizing these foods and consuming a diet based on whole foods is therefore advisable to manage cravings and for overall health.
  • Sleep - When we sleep well, the body releases higher levels of a hormone called leptin, which wards off hunger. When we are sleep-deprived, on the other hand, our bodies tend to produce more of a hormone called ghrelin, which increases appetite and desire for high-energy foods.(22)
  • Exercise - Include exercise in your daily routine, as it has a positive effect on blood glucose control (23). In addition, exercise releases endorphins (happy chemicals) and helps manage stress.
  • Manage stress - Try to manage stress and increase time for relaxation, as stress can disrupt blood sugar levels and increase food cravings (24). The stress hormone cortisol increases our drive to snack on high-calorie foods.
  • Avoid fad diets - Restricting your food intake or limiting certain food groups, as advocated by many popular diets, is another sure way to set up a cycle of restriction, cravings, and over-eating (and even binging and disordered eating in some cases). Instead, focus on nourishing your body with the healthy foods it needs for good health.

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