Foods to Avoid for GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)

Foods to Avoid for GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)

GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) is a condition in which acid from the stomach escapes into the esophagus leading to pain near the stomach or chest.

Scientific studies still have not found conclusive evidence that GERD can be controlled by dietary changes, but diet and lifestyle changes, like diet and weight loss, are often recommended as a first line of defense. (1)

Finding the right GERD diet for you will involve experimentation, and it is likely to be different from person to person.

Foods that can trigger acid reflux include fatty fried foods, chocolate, coffee, tea, sodas, onions, and more. In addition to avoiding certain foods, other lifestyle factors such as weight loss and eating smaller meals can help alleviate GERD symptoms.

Below are the details of foods that can trigger acid reflux and more information on possible GERD complications.

List of Foods to Avoid for GERD

Other Factors Affecting Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease (GERD)

  • Overweight and Obesity - Being overweight or obese is strongly associated with GERD, possibly due to the increased pressure on the stomach from additional weight. (17,18) Check your BMI to set a health weight target. Also, consume more high fiber low-calorie foods to help with weight loss (and acid-reflux).
  • Smoking - Smoking relaxes the reduces lower oesophageal sphincter (LOS) pressure, and is correlated with a higher incidence of acid reflux and GERD. (19,20)
  • Avoid Excessive Exercise - High-intensity exercise over a long period of time can cause GERD. Changes in blood flow to the stomach and possibly even hormone secretion are responsible. (21) Avoid eating before exercise. Moderate or exercise in short bursts is fine. (22)
  • High Fiber Diet - Foods high in fiber help foods move through your body, reducing the incidence of acid reflux. (23) Avoid high-fiber foods that are high in acid like oranges. (24)
  • Practice Good Eating Habits - Eating very hot foods, skipping breakfast, eating too fast, eating a midnight snack, and overeating are all associated with an increased incidence of acid reflux. (25) Instead focus on eating slowly, eating moderate portion sizes, and avoiding eating 3 hours before laying down or bedtime.

What Foods Alleviate Acid Reflux?

Foods that alleviate acid reflux include bananas, beans, chamomile tea, chewing gum, egg whites, ginger, certain herbs, honey, and more. See the full list of foods that help alleviate acid reflux.

Does Mastic Gum Help with Acid Reflux?

Mastic gum is a natural herbal supplement from the mastic tree in Greece. Sometimes consumed and chewed as a gum, added to food, or taken as a supplement Mastic gum holds promise as a natural way to alleviate acid reflux. In this study participants taking mastic gum supplements reported a 79% decline in gastrointestinal discomfort. (26)

Data Sources and References

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