Top 10 Foods Highest in Histidine

Photo of Daisy Whitbread Written by Daisy Whitbread
BSc (Hons) MSc DipION
Photo of Dr. Patricia Shelton Medically Reviewed by
Dr. Patricia Shelton
Evidence Based. References sourced from PubMed.
Powered by USDA Nutrition Data.
Top 10 Foods Highest in Histidine

Histidine is an essential amino acid required for growth, tissue repair, and for creating the neurotransmitter histamine. (1,2) Some studies have found that histidine can help to protect tissues from damage caused by radiation or heavy metals. (3,4)

High histidine foods include pork, beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, fish, soy, beans, milk, cheese, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and eggs. The reference dietary intake (RDI) of histidine is 10mg per kilogram of body weight or 4.5mg per pound. A person weighing 70kg (~154 pounds) should consume around 700mg of histidine per day. (5)

Below is a list of the top 10 foods highest in histidine with the %RDI calculated for someone weighing 70kg (154lbs). For more high histidine foods see the extended list of histidine-rich foods.

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More Histidine Rich Foods

1. Subway Tuna Sub per 6 inch sub 232% RDI
2. Kielbasa Sausage per large link 189% RDI
3. Cooked Eel per 5.6oz fillet 158% RDI
4. Soy Based Protein Powder per 2oz scoup 97% RDI
5. Toasted Wheat Germ per oz 33% RDI
6. Canned Eastern Oysters 1 cup (drained) 31% RDI
7. Gelatin per 1oz package 26% RDI
8. Peanut Butter per 2 tblsp 25% RDI
9. Green Peas per cup cooked 24% RDI
10. Fish Roe (Ikura, Caviar) per tblsp 12% RDI

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Data Sources and References

  1. Fitzpatrick DW, Fisher H. Carnosine, histidine, and wound healing Surgery. 1982 Apr;91(4):430-4. 7064098
  2. Norée LO, Bergström J. Evidence that histidine is an essential amino acid in normal and chronically uremic man Clin Nephrol. 1975;3(5):195-203. 1149344
  3. Ommati MM, Ahmadi HN, Sabouri S, Retana-Marquez S, Abdoli N, Rashno S, Niknahad H, Jamshidzadeh A, Mousavi K, Rezaei M, Akhlagh A, Azarpira N, Khodaei F, Heidari R. Carnosine and Histidine Supplementation Blunt Lead-Induced Reproductive Toxicity through Antioxidative and Mitochondria-Dependent Mechanisms Environ Toxicol. 2022 Dec;37(12):2990-3006. doi: 10.1002/tox.23654. Epub 2022 Sep 11. 36088639
  4. Taulavuori K, Prasad MN, Taulavuori E, Laine K. The significance of amino acids and amino acid-derived molecules in plant responses and adaptation to heavy metal stress Environ Pollut. 2005 May;135(2):209-20. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2004.11.006. 15734581
  5. World Health Organization - Protein and Amino Acid Requirements In Human Nutrition
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